Monday, February 7, 2011

2011 Sonata GL Review

In a nutshell, the 2011 Sonata GL is refined, comfortable, powerful and fun to drive, and an exceptionally elegant body sets it apart. What’s more, it features competitive pricing and comes with one of the best warranties in the industry. Not surprising, then, that Hyundai’s sales figures are on the rise.

Read the full review on Auto123

Super Bowl XLV: 2011 Sonata Hybrid drives around in anachronistic city

How do we know things are as good as they can be? What if we always settled for the first thing that came along? Can you imagine a world without all the wonderful things we’ve discovered while searching for something better? We might never have gotten HD TVs, seedless oranges, North America, or the 2011 Sonata Hybrid. From Hyundai.